Black and Tan English Shepherds in Mid-Twentieth Century America

Tom D. Stodhill was a polarizing figure, and like most such men, had a knack for bringing out the worst in some people. Stodghill had a habit of making unfounded, controversial, and non-falsifiable statements like: “…black and tan English Shepherds are recognized as the world’s most beautiful dog … the black and tan are the … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Black and Tan English Shepherds in Mid-Twentieth Century America," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

The Black and Tan English Shepherd

Black and Tan English Shepherd

A history of cultural use and appreciation Next Steps This work (The Black and Tan English Shepherd, by Tony Bierman) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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Tony Bierman, "The Black and Tan English Shepherd," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

Canine Paternity Testing with Embark Vet and PLINK

PI_HAT stands for “proportion IBD hat.” It is a statistical measure used in genetics to estimate the proportion of alleles shared identical by descent (IBD) between pairs of individuals.  The PI_HAT value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no alleles shared IBD and 1 indicates complete allele sharing IBD. It provides an estimate … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Canine Paternity Testing with Embark Vet and PLINK," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

English Shepherd Breed Equilibrium Through Distinct Bloodlines

In any breed population, genetic diversity is a key factor in ensuring the breed’s health and longevity. This diversity is often maintained through the presence of distinct bloodlines within the breed. A bloodline represents the lineage of a dog, tracing its heritage back through many generations. Each bloodline can carry specific traits, abilities, and sometimes … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "English Shepherd Breed Equilibrium Through Distinct Bloodlines," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

Exploring the Genetic Basis of Non-Pathological Behaviors in Dogs

In the realm of canine studies, research into behavior—particularly non-pathological behaviors—proves intriguing for both dog owners and scientists alike (Serpell, 1995). These behaviors span a wide range from herding and pointing to more abstract qualities like temperament and trainability (Svartberg, 2006). A deeper understanding of the genetics behind these behaviors not only expands our knowledge … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Exploring the Genetic Basis of Non-Pathological Behaviors in Dogs," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

Social Learning Mechanisms in Domestic Dogs

Social learning, the process by which animals acquire information or behaviors by observing others, is an important aspect of the development and behavior of many species, including domestic dogs. For domestic dogs, social learning can happen in a variety of contexts and through different mechanisms. Social learning mechanisms in domestic dogs are varied and complex, … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Social Learning Mechanisms in Domestic Dogs," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

The Intricacies of Canine Play: An Insight into Dog Behavior

Play, a cornerstone of canine behavior, is a multifaceted activity providing multiple benefits to dogs and their human companions. The high levels of play in dogs, a product of domestication and selection for playfulness, are integral to their physical, cognitive, and social development, and continue to be an enduring trait into adulthood. The core … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "The Intricacies of Canine Play: An Insight into Dog Behavior," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

The Key Stages in a Dog’s Early Development

Canine ontogeny, or the development of dogs from conception to adulthood, is a complex and intriguing process. It is characterized by a series of six “natural” stages: (1) the prenatal period; (2) the neonatal period; (3) the transition period; (4) the socialization period; (5) the juvenile period; and (6) the pubertal period. Understanding these stages … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "The Key Stages in a Dog’s Early Development," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

The Importance of Mendelian Inheritance and Sex Ratios in Dog Breeding

To understand why maintaining a balanced ratio of males to females in a breeding population is desirable, in this entry we’ll explore Mendelian inheritance and its implications for genetic diversity. Mendelian inheritance refers to the principles of genetics discovered by Gregor Mendel. Mendel’s laws of inheritance explain how traits are passed from parents to offspring. … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "The Importance of Mendelian Inheritance and Sex Ratios in Dog Breeding," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,

The Importance and Implications of Play in Dogs

Play is a critical aspect of the behavior of domestic dogs. It’s not just an outlet for excess energy or a way to pass the time, but rather, a complex behavior with numerous implications for a dog’s physical health, mental well-being, and social relationships. Play and Its Forms Dogs engage in various forms of play, … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "The Importance and Implications of Play in Dogs," OBTESA, Accessed October 22, 2024,