Alabama Farm Dog
Able has positioned himself between the injured man and the maddened, raging cow. The young dog who was only a puppy just a few minute ago is now looking awfully grown up.

Black and Tan English Shepherds
Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd Association
Able has positioned himself between the injured man and the maddened, raging cow. The young dog who was only a puppy just a few minute ago is now looking awfully grown up.
As is frequently emphasized in the older publications, the true black and tan English shepherd excels at moving large stock. The Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd Association is working with true black and tan breeders to produce working videos of black and tans on large stock. Using roping steers and bulls, we are producing … Read more
Sugar smiling
Magnus free stacked
Josie free stack
Sugar in earnest
Sugar prowling the creek
Hawkeye tore his previous KONG to shreds. But yesterday, he received an experimental KONG X2. I gave him fifteen minutes with it to see if it would hold up. Here’s the video.