Magnus and Siggi

The Day I Got Sugar
Yesterday I visited the home of Mr. Jerry Prater. Jerry keeps horses and purebred black and tan English Shepherds. When we first arrived, his English Shepherd adults were mostly paying attention to Bekkey and me. They were all friendly, the friendliest being Remington. Remy is Jerry’s stud dog. There was lots of petting and tail … Read more

Stone cold Dixie

If We Don’t Do Something, They are Going to Die Off
This message was sent to the English Shepherd Club’s Yahoo Group by Rebecca Wingler on June 23, 2009. The message is published here with Ms. Wingler’s permisson. There are still some Blankenship line bred dogs around, but they are getting fewer. The last I heard (couple of years back), Pauline Blankenship was in a nursing … Read more

James Maynard Ad
The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) · 19 Jul 1996, Fri · Page 66

Williams Dairy Ad
The Chatham Record (Pittsboro, North Carolina) · 18 Jul 1996, Thu · Page 26

Shepherd’s Rex Blaze
Early on, Shepherd’s Rex Blaze was a bit of a hard case. While at his first stop, an urban home in Alabama, the family’s wife died. Under the circumstances, her husband felt compelled to re-home Rex. From there, he landed on the farm of a doctor friend who was ironically named Shepherd. During the period … Read more

Sallee’s Billy Bob
Sallee’s Billy Bob was born 1994-06-02. He was bred by Janice Sallee and owned by Janice Sallee. His sire was Sallee’s Sambo and his dam was Sallee’s Mindy Lou.

Sallee’s Mindy Lou
Sallee’s Mindy Lou was born 1989-05-13. She was bred by John Blankenship and owned by Janice Sallee. Her sire was Blankenship’s Sambo and her dam was Blankenship’s Dolly.