Bloodline Standard of the Black and Tan English Shepherd


The Black and Tan English Shepherd is a medium-size, strongly built and active dog. They are affectionate, intelligent, naturally obedient, and eager to please.  They are not quarrelsome or possessive but are of great courage and extremely faithful. Black and Tan English Shepherds are not easily excitable and are usually dignified in manner. They have the intelligence to adopt themselves to a variety of jobs and have proven themselves useful as artful watchdogs on the farm and as astute retrievers and trailers in the hunting field. Black and Tan English Shepherds will eradicate vermin, protect children, and drive cattle. They possess the temperament and intelligence to make an ideal family pet.


In general appearance and size, the Black and Tan English Shepherd is a medium size, long haired dog. He is sturdy and has plenty of bone.


Not less than 18 inches or over 24 inches. The length from breastbone to tip of back quarter should equal the height.


Not less than 40 pounds or over 65 pounds, but the most desirable size is 20-22 inches high and 45-55 pounds. Dogs too small are more desirable than dogs too large.


Medium length, the muzzle from tip of nose to stop should approximately equal length of skull from stop to occiput. The skull should be broad between the ears, but not so broad as to appear clumsy (very few are broad enough). The stop is well pronounced.


Large and black.


Not long but deep and powerful.


Strong and incisor bite, the lower incisor must touch the inner surface of the upper incisor.


Prominent but not protruding. They should be brown and express good humor, faithfulness, and confidence. A strong eye is very desirable, that is a dog that keeps an eye on the job at hand, but also keeps an eye on his master.


Wide apart, stand slightly outward at the base with a sharp bend and lie close to the head which protects them from the rain and sleet. When dog is relaxed, ears lay close to head. When dog is alert, the ears raise up a little.


Well-muscled, round, and rather outstretched.


Perfectly balanced.


Well arched but not barrel shaped.


Deep, broad enough for strength, but not so broad as to make the dog appear slow and clumsy.


Short, strong, and deep.


Strong at base and long enough to touch the hock. Hair on the lower side of the tail should be half as long again as the hair on the body. When dog is at work, the tail is carried on the level with the body.  Down a little is better than too high. When the dog is relaxed, the tail is carried on about a 45-degree angle with a little curve near the end of the tail. A natural born bob tail is permissible but not desirable. One should breed a natural bob to a long tail dog.


Shoulders long and oblique (sloping) forming a sharp angle with the upper arm.


Forearm strong and moderately heavy from elbow to pastern. The forearm is perfectly straight viewed from the front. Hind quarters and thighs strongly muscled. Hock points well bent. The angulation shows plenty of springing power. The hind legs viewed from the back should be straight.


Are desirable because they show pure breeding, but it is permissible for breeders to clip them off as soon as pups are born.


Should be well padded and large so as to take hard use on mud or snow as well as rough ground. The toes are well split up and strongly arched.


The hair should be from 1.5 to 2 inches long, glossy and water repellent. Slightly curly, wavy hair is desirable. Kinky hair is a fault because it catches too many burrs.


The most desirable color for a Black and Tan English Shepherd is a true black-tan of glossy black coat with tan markings. A tan dot resides over each eye, tan around the mouth, under the tail, a tan bar across the chest, and tan on all four feet running down to the ground. On the back legs the tan is only on the front side of the back legs and the black runs down to the ground on the back side of the back legs.

The markings may be a mahogany brown to a golden tan. A small amount of white on the chest is permissible and the dog is still to be classified as a true black-tan. A tri-color with a white ring neck is also good. Black with white markings are also acceptable so long as the white doesn’t cover more than 1/3 the dog. The best white markings are a white chest, a white tipped tail, white feet, and a ring neck. Sable colored dogs are permissible for Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherds but are not desirable.


In conclusion, the Black and Tan English Shepherd is a handsome breed of dog who is just as versatile as he is attractive. These dogs will trail wounded deer, tree raccoons, mink, squirrel, possum, and skunk. They will chase wolves and a team of two or three dogs can hold a grizzly bear at bay. They also retrieve ducks as well as go a mile after the cows. The English Shepherd is indeed an all-around worker and wonderful companion.

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Tony Bierman, "Bloodline Standard of the Black and Tan English Shepherd," OBTESA, Accessed January 18, 2025,

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