Coat Color Variations and Tameness in English Shepherds: A Hypothesis on the Role of Pleiotropy in Domestication


In English Shepherds, coat color changes could be a result of selection for tameness through a process similar to the one observed in Belyaev’s silver fox experiment. The underlying genetic mechanism may involve pleiotropic effects, where certain genes influence both tameness and coat color.

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How Does an English Shepherd Work?

This article examines the working abilities of English Shepherds at a systems level, highlighting their perceptual, referential, and action systems. By analyzing their keen sensory perception, cognitive skills, and physical prowess, we provide insights into how these dogs efficiently perform herding, guarding, and other farm tasks, emphasizing the importance of proper training and environmental … Read more

Anatomy of Farm Dogs: Adaptations for Optimal Performance in Agricultural Environments

Black and Tan English Shepherd

Farm dogs, bred for specific tasks in agricultural settings, possess unique anatomical features that enhance their abilities to perform tasks such as herding, guarding, and tracking. This article provides an overview of the key anatomical adaptations in farm dogs, including their skeletal system, muscular system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, nervous system, coat … Read more

English Shepherds in Early American History: Tracing the Breed’s Ancestry and Role

Black and Tan English Shepherd

This article delves into the presence and significance of English Shepherds in early American history. Although the breed’s name was not widely used until the late 19th century, the ancestors of English Shepherds played a crucial role in the agricultural life of early settlers. The article highlights some of the historical references that provide … Read more