The Impact of Domestication and Selective Breeding on Canine Ears: Hearing and Communication Implications

Canine ears have been affected by domestication and selective breeding, as noted by Feddersen-Petersen (2001). The process of domestication has led to a wide variety of breeds with different physical traits, including ear morphology. Hanging or drooping ears, like those seen in breeds such as Basset Hounds, Beagles, and Cocker Spaniels, are the result of … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "The Impact of Domestication and Selective Breeding on Canine Ears: Hearing and Communication Implications," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Decoding Canine Communication: Understanding Local Signals, Global Signals, and Temporal Patterns

Canine communication involves a complex system of visual signals, including local signals, global signals, and temporal patterns. This entry explores the nuances of these signaling systems, highlighting the importance of understanding the timing, sequence, and duration of visual cues in interpreting dogs’ emotions and intentions. By examining the role of context and repetition in … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Decoding Canine Communication: Understanding Local Signals, Global Signals, and Temporal Patterns," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Dog Evaluation Form – Social Competence Model

This form can be used by trainers, behaviorists, or researchers to assess a dog’s social competence in relation to human interactions.

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Tony Bierman, "Dog Evaluation Form – Social Competence Model," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Examining the Social Competence Model in Dog-Human Interactions

The social competence model for dogs proposed by Ádám Miklósi and József Topál in 2013 emphasizes the importance of social cognition in understanding the behavior of dogs, particularly in their interactions with humans. The model suggests that dogs have evolved specific cognitive skills to communicate and cooperate with humans effectively. The social competence model is … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Examining the Social Competence Model in Dog-Human Interactions," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Sensory Adaptations in Domestic Dogs: Co-evolution with the Anthropogenic World

Dogs have a long history of coexisting with humans, dating back to their domestication from wolves around 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. Over time, their perceptual systems have evolved to adapt to the anthropogenic world they inhabit, enabling them to better communicate, cooperate, and bond with humans. Some of the key adaptations in dogs’ perceptual … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Sensory Adaptations in Domestic Dogs: Co-evolution with the Anthropogenic World," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Coat Color Variations and Tameness in English Shepherds: A Hypothesis on the Role of Pleiotropy in Domestication


In English Shepherds, coat color changes could be a result of selection for tameness through a process similar to the one observed in Belyaev’s silver fox experiment. The underlying genetic mechanism may involve pleiotropic effects, where certain genes influence both tameness and coat color.

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Tony Bierman, "Coat Color Variations and Tameness in English Shepherds: A Hypothesis on the Role of Pleiotropy in Domestication," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Coat Color Transformations and Tameness: Unraveling the Genetic Link Through Selective Breeding in Silver Foxes

Dmitry Belyaev, a Russian geneticist, conducted a long-term experiment on the domestication of silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) that demonstrated how selecting for tameness could result in a number of correlated changes, including coat color changes. Starting in the late 1950s, Belyaev and his team selectively bred silver foxes, choosing only the tamest individuals to … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Coat Color Transformations and Tameness: Unraveling the Genetic Link Through Selective Breeding in Silver Foxes," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Trust and Adaptability in Farm Dogs: Cultivating Essential Traits for Success

An important part of a farm dog’s behavior comes to light during novel, uncommon or high-drive situations.  In these situations, I see farm dogs fall broadly into two categories.  In the first category are dogs who look to the handler to decide what to do.  These dogs begin offering behaviors until the handler gives them … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Trust and Adaptability in Farm Dogs: Cultivating Essential Traits for Success," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Combining Traditional Pedigree Databases and Haplotype-Based Phylogenetic Classification for a Comprehensive Canine Ancestry Analysis

In the world of dog breeding and ownership, understanding the lineage and genetic background of a canine companion is of utmost importance. While traditional pedigree databases have long been relied upon for this information, they are not without their flaws and inaccuracies. The emergence of haplotype-based phylogenetic classification offers a more objective and scientifically … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Combining Traditional Pedigree Databases and Haplotype-Based Phylogenetic Classification for a Comprehensive Canine Ancestry Analysis," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,

Unraveling the Truth: Understanding Inaccuracies in Dog Pedigree Databases

For many dog enthusiasts, a pedigree is a crucial piece of information that outlines their beloved pets’ lineage, genetic background, and accomplishments. However, pedigree databases are not immune to inaccuracies and misinformation, sometimes stemming from dishonest or misinformed breeders. As a responsible dog owner or potential buyer, it is prudent to understand the reasons … Read more

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Tony Bierman, "Unraveling the Truth: Understanding Inaccuracies in Dog Pedigree Databases," OBTESA, Accessed February 23, 2025,