Black and Tan English Shepherd Breeders

A list of active Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherds breeders

Dan HolmanTNContact by Email
Doug TaylorTNContact by Email
John K. SherlingALContact by Email
Larry RaulstonTNContact by Email
Tony BiermanTNContact by Email
Roger KampOHContact by Email

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If you are a current and responsible breeder of Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd dogs and you would like to be added to this list, please contact the Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd Association.

All dogs should be provided with age appropriate exercise, nutrition, sunshine and kindness. OBTESA enourages all dog breeders to perform DNA screenings for genetic disease, have their dogs tested for hip dysplasia, and use breed management best practices. The Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd Association reserves the right to remove or exclude any breeder who does meet our criteria for basic ethical standards and practices.

A Call for Humble Breeders

The Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd bloodline needs humble breeders. The kind of breeder who understands that the dogs were perfect before he got here and that the bloodline doesn’t need to be adjusted or improved. He understands that the bloodline doesn’t need his name in front of it or his fingerprints all over it. No, the Old-fashioned Black and Tan bloodline needs breeders who know the culture behind these dogs, and who will take the time to learn their history. Line-crossed when needed, for vim and vigor, but always with an eye towards breeding back to the foundation that makes this bloodline what it is.

Would you like to become a breeder of Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherds? Learn more about our Breeder Incubator Program.

English Shepherd FAQ

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Tony Bierman, "Black and Tan English Shepherd Breeders," OBTESA, Accessed February 22, 2025,