Senior-specific Health Care

As your farm dog enters its senior years, it’s essential to provide specialized care and attention to ensure their continued well-being and comfort. Senior dogs may face age-related health issues that require adjustments to their routine and additional veterinary support. By being proactive and attentive to your aging dog’s needs, you can help maintain their … Read more

Adjusting Diet and Exercise Routines

As your farm dog enters its senior years, it becomes crucial to adapt their diet and exercise routines to accommodate their changing needs. Older dogs may experience a decrease in metabolism, energy levels, and muscle mass, which can affect their overall health and well-being. By making thoughtful adjustments, you can ensure that your senior farm … Read more

Recognizing signs of aging

As your farm dog grows and matures, it will eventually enter its senior years. This stage of your dog’s life is marked by various physical and behavioral changes that may require adjustments to its daily routine, care, and management. Being able to recognize the signs of aging in your farm dog is essential to ensure … Read more