This study aimed to investigate the longevity and mortality of dogs in England using data from veterinary practices. The study analyzed electronic patient records of 102,609 dogs that had died between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2008. The median age at death was 10 years, and the most common causes of death were old age (20.3%), unspecified (11.8%), and cancer (8.0%). The study also found that the median age at death varied significantly among breeds, with the longest-lived breeds being the Miniature Poodle, Bearded Collie, and Dachshund, and the shortest-lived breeds being the Dogue de Bordeaux, Great Dane, and Irish Wolfhound. The study also found that neutered dogs lived longer than intact dogs, and that male dogs had a higher risk of death than female dogs. The findings of this study provide valuable information for dog owners and veterinarians regarding the life expectancy and common causes of death in dogs, as well as breed-specific differences in longevity.
Longevity and Mortality of Owned Dogs in England
O'Neill, D. G., Church, D. B., McGreevy, P. D., Thomson, P. C., & Brodbelt, D. C. (2013). Longevity and mortality of owned dogs in England. The Veterinary Journal, 198(3), 638-643.