This article presents the results of a study on genetic diversity, inbreeding, and breeding practices in dogs based on pedigree analyses. The study analyzed the pedigrees of 82 breeds of dogs registered with the French Kennel Club. The results showed that the level of inbreeding varied widely among breeds, with some breeds having very high levels of inbreeding. The study also found that the effective population size (the number of breeding individuals in a population) was generally low in most breeds, indicating that many breeds are at risk of losing genetic diversity. The study also examined breeding practices, such as the use of popular sires and the frequency of line breeding, and found that these practices were contributing to the loss of genetic diversity in many breeds. The author concludes that there is a need for better breeding practices in dogs to preserve genetic diversity and reduce the risk of inherited diseases.
Genetic Diversity, Inbreeding and Breeding Practices in Dogs: Results from Pedigree Analyses
Leroy, G. (2011). Genetic diversity, inbreeding and breeding practices in dogs: Results from pedigree analyses. The Veterinary Journal, 189(2), 177-182.