Sugar will walk up to you and poke you in the chest. I’ve never seen her start a fight with another dog or goat. But on many occasions, I have seen here walk up to the other animal, stand erect and curl her tail up over back. If you’re a male animal or an animal bigger than her, Sugar will challenge you as if to say, “I’m not afraid of you.” Sugar’s attitude is not aggressive, and she doesn’t bully animals smaller or weaker than herself. But time and again, Sugar has shown me that she is the most courageous dog on my ranch. You might take that to mean Sugar chases after things and is hard to manage. But that is not the case. Sugar stands her ground and comes off of it when recalled in almost all cases.

Sugar imposes her will without violence or a lot of drama. She is thick and powerfully built for a female of her bloodline. When an unfamiliar sight or sound presents itself, Sugar lets out a specific bark and places herself on a vector between you and the perceived threat. I’ve never seen her take a step back from man, animal, or machine. I call Sugar a “foxhole dog”, because if I was in combat, I’d want her in the foxhole beside me.
Sugar is registered Natchez Trace Famous Shoes. These photos of Sugar are from this morning.